2024-09-12 Theme: Palletising and Depalletising
Want to automate your palletising process? Let Wemo become your automation integrator! We offer customised solutions for automated palletising and depalletising.
2024-08-20 Wemo’s German subsidiary celebrates its first year
Wemo Automation GmbH, the German subsidiary of Wemo Automation AB, is celebrating its first year in the market. Mikael Westerberg, Chief Operating Officer of the company, shares the successes, challenges, and plans for the future.
2024-08-20 Wemos tyska dotterbolag firar 1 år
Wemo Automation GmbH, det tyska dotterbolaget till Wemo Automation AB, firar ett år på marknaden. Mikael Westerberg, operativ chef för bolaget, delar med sig av framgångarna, utmaningarna och planerna för framtiden.
2024-08-06 Full operation at Wemo headquarters
After a few weeks with limited staffing, Wemo’s Swedish team is back in full operation! We are ready to take orders and discuss customised automation solutions.
2024-07-03 How is Wemo operating during summer 2024?
Wemo offices will have limited staffing during the following periods: 🇸🇪 July 15–28 2024 🇩🇪 July 22–31 and August 1–25 2024 We wish you a great vacation! Need to contact us? 🇸🇪 +46 (0)370-65 85 00 • 🇩🇪 +49 (0)511-936 782 00 •
2024-06-11 World-Class internal logistics
Does your company handle many heavy lifts and repetitive movements? Are you short on available floor space? Let us introduce you to our ‘Wemo Handling’ concept. In this article, you will find answers to questions such as: • Can automation reduce strain injuries? • Do you need to be an engineer to understand and program Wemo’s software? • Can Wemo’s automation solutions be scaled up/down?
2024-06-11 Internlogistik i världsklass
Hanterar företaget många tunga lyft och monotona rörelser? Har ni ont om ledig golvyta? Låt oss tipsa om vårt koncept ’Wemo Handling’. I denna artikel får du bland annat svar på frågorna: • Kan automation minska belastningsskador? • Behöver man vara en ingenjör för att förstå och programmera Wemos mjukvara? • Kan Wemos automationslösningar byggas på/minskas ner?
2024-05-14 Five Benefits of Wemo eDesign LT
At Wemo, we take customer preferences seriously when developing our products. Based on their feedback, our popular robot series, eDesign, has evolved into two model series: eDesign LT and eDesign SE.
2024-05-14 Fem fördelar med Wemo eDesign LT
På Wemo tar vi kundens önskemål på stort allvar när vi utvecklar våra produkter. Utifrån deras feedback har vår omtyckta robotserie eDesign utvecklats till två modellserier: eDesign LT och eDesign SE.