Box Handling Systems

Boxes in plastic or cardboard can be feeded and stored fully automatically in concepts for saving man power and floorspace.
This systems is easy to integrate for existing as well as in new robot automation cells.

Wemo has long experience of produce cost efficient solutions depending of needs.
Examples of modular automation concepts:

• Buffering and stacking of components

• Handling of large or small boxes

• Handling of pallets or fixtures

• Simple installation and start-up thanks to integrated controllers

Our box handling system are designed in 3 ways of concepts.

VXH Horizontal Concepts


Horizontal box handling system with one belt conveyor for ingoing empty boxes, and one undriven roller conveyor.

VXP Parallel Concepts


Parallel horizontal box handlingsystem with one belt conveyor for ingoing empty boxes. A lateral pusher moves the filled box to a second belt conveyor for buffering filled boxes. Positioning cylinders is added for more precise positioning of box to robothandling. Transport of parts from the machine is made by a WCS-ZL plastic slatted belt conveyor.

VXV Vertical Concepts


Vertical box handling with four levels of belt conveyors for ingoing empty boxes, and buffering for filled outgoing boxes. This unit is for standalone application, with cover to protect from contaminations and as safety enclousure.


Horizontal belt conveyor for buffering 2 empty ingoing boxes,1 box at fillingstation, and 2 filled outgoing boxes. Transport of parts from the machine is made by a WCS-ZL plastic slatted belt conveyor.


Parallel horizontal box handlingsystem with one belt conveyor for ingoing empty boxes. A lateral pusher moves the filled box to an undriven roller conveyor for buffering filled boxes. Inclided conveyor for transport of parts from the machine.


Vertical box handling with one belt conveyor for ingoing empty boxes, and one belt conveyor for filled outgoing boxes. This unit is for standalone application on wheels, with cover to protect from contaminations.


Horizontal box handling system with one belt conveyor for ingoing empty boxes, and one undriven roller conveyor for outgoing filled boxes. With cover on top and sides to protect from contaminations.


Your perfect solution for tight clean room where utilization of the floorspace is your most important parameter. With this you can creat a buffer system on a very small space.

Used in medical industries and areas where you have lack of production space.


Vertical box handling with four levels of belt conveyors for ingoing empty boxes, and buffering for filled outgoing boxes. This unit is integrated and controlled by Wemo linar robot for packing parts into boxes.